Sybil and Co.

The primary group of the story’s focus. Characters may come and go throughout the timeline, however, these are the primary members.








Tom’s first appearance in the story proper involves him nursing Sybil back to health when he finds her half dead after the first declaration of war between her and Max.
His role throughout the story is as a sort of foil and support for Sybil. He teaches her the basics of how to survive in the chaos of dimensional switches.

Tom is, by the time he enters the story, an experienced dimension traveler and Sybil’s first real exposure to the consequences of dimension travel. Though not the first dimensional wanderer Sybil’s met, he’s the first who lets his struggles with its symptoms come to light.

Spotify playlist!

The Duck.

nobody knows where it came from. but it exists. and it’s coming.
for what? who knows.

The Frontier

Outside of its reach, the Frontier is spoken of as if a legend. A boundless web of worlds and opportunities. A web of dimensions so vast and chaotic, anyone could find somewhere with resources, ideas, opportunities, escape, home or a place to hide.

– Included Worlds –

  • (coming soon)

Carson and Lane

The biological parents and legal guardians of Sybil, Keris, and Isaac. Important historical figures and previous leaders of the Omega Network alliance.

Lane August
The direct descendant of Zachary, now a proud father and experienced zuvorian wizard.

Carson August
A previous resident of The Colors World, now the strong and caring mother of the August familiy

Sybil (protagonist)

A strange 11 year old zuvorian girl who made a few massive mistakes she spends the primary narrative trying to fix and make up for.

Sybil began life under a different name.
Sybil’s birth name, given to her by her parents, is Iris August.
She was born on the Ringed Earth in the Omega Network to Carson and Lane August. Lane, her father, is the descendant of the zuvorian prophet Zachary.

It is tradition in her family line for the zuvorian artifact called the Diamond to be passed down each generation to a new holder, and, due to her clear aptitude and need for it in her training, she was chosen out of her siblings to inherit it.

Spotify playlist!

The Diamond

A powerful zuvorian artifact passed down from Zachary through each generation of his, and thus Sybil’s, family.

Crafted and programmed by the youngest of the twelve original zuvorians, Gravity, the intent of the prophecies is built into its very being. It was made to be the Unborn Zuvorian’s tool.

It was given to Sybil for her zuvorian training, as she seemed the most apt to utilize it and, out of her siblings, the most in need of it.

The catalyst of the main story’s conflict arises when Sybil leaves the Omega Network on her own without supervision and loses track of the Diamond, letting it fall into Maxwell’s hands.

Phase Four

The final phase in the main story, characterized by Sybil and Co. focusing entirely on trying to defeat Max.

The status quo is the loosest in this phase. The main team composition tends to fluctuate the most in this phase but the primary goal is no longer obscured by more pressing matters. It’s just a cat and mouse game, by this point, between Sybil and Max.

The Hour of Midnight

The major event that marks the transition from Phase Two to Phase Three. This event marks the end of the Dimensional Loop and the first return to The Omega Network since the catalyst event of the conflict.